Takashi Sorimachi & Nanako Matsushima co-star in a commercial for the first time as husband and wife New commercial for “SHISEIDO MEN” released

俳優の反町隆史さん、松嶋菜々子さん夫婦が出演する資生堂「SHISEIDO MEN」の新CM「男の美しさは、肌に出る」編が公開された。夫婦としてCM初共演。日本で11月22日から放送。

The new commercial has the key message, "A man's beauty shows through his skin," and features Sorimachi and Matsushima looking at each other across the table, and Matsushima watching over Sorimachi as he takes care of his skin at the sink. Pay attention to the shot of Sorimachi and Matsushima as a friendly couple.

A web movie, a making of video, and interviews are also released.