My Hero Academia: USJ's first 4D attraction 3D images x special effects

It has been announced that the first 4D attraction for the popular anime series "My Hero Academia" "My Hero Academia The Real 4-D," will be available at Universal Studios Japan (USJ) from March 1, 2024. As part of the limited-time event "Universal Cool Japan 2024," this will be the first time that "My Hero Academia" and USJ have collaborated. It will run until August 14, 2024.

 See details and more images on MANTANWEB

The story involves the protagonist Izuku Midoriya (Deku), who aims to become the greatest hero, and his friends getting caught up in a fierce battle with villains who threaten society, using their unique quirks, and are forced to push back against their limits. The viewer can experience the world of the story through special effects such as 3D images, vibrations, and water splashes.

"Universal Cool Japan 2024" will also feature attractions based on "Detective Conan" and "Monster Hunter."

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