Kamen Rider Geats: Gold Geats and Silver Buffa face off!? V Cinext “Kamen Rider Geats Jyamato Awakening” preview & poster released

The official title of the V Cinext "Kamen Rider Geats", which depicts the world after the final episode of the special effects drama "Kamen Rider Geats", has been announced as "Kamen Rider Geats Jyamato Awakening". A preview video and poster were also released.

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The poster depicts the golden Kamen Rider Dooms Geats facing off against the silver Kamen Rider Buffa Prosion Rage. The theme song will be performed by Kumi Koda, following on from the TV series. The title is "Dangerously". The film will be screened for a limited time from March 8, 2024. Blu-ray & DVD will be released on July 24th of the same year.