Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Freedom: The life-sized ν Gundam statue in Fukuoka is lit up for the winter only Soichiro Hoshi and Kenichi Suzumura appear at the lighting ceremony

The winter-only illumination of the life-size statue of the Nu Gundam from the popular anime series Gundam, "RX-93ff Nu Gundam," installed at Mitsui Shopping Park LaLaport Fukuoka (Hakata Ward, Fukuoka City), began on December 2nd. The illumination, based on the theme of the anime film Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Freedom, which will be released on January 26th, 2024, will run until February 18th, 2024. A lighting ceremony was held on December 2nd, where Kenichi Suzumura, the voice of Kira Yamato, and Kenichi Soichiro Hoshi, the voice of Shin Asuka, made an appearance.

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Looking at the life-sized statue of ν Gundam, Mr. Hoshi was surprised by its size, saying, ``I still can't see its face from below my feet.'' Suzumura said, ``I used to live in Kitakyushu, so I'm happy to be able to come to Fukuoka, which I call my hometown, and I think it's very meaningful to be here as Shinn Asuka.'' I was pleased.