Details of the "HG 1/144 Z'Gok (SEED FREEDOM Ver.)," a Gunpla (plastic model) of the Z'Gok that appears in the anime "Mobile Suit Gundam SEED" series, "Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Freedom," have been revealed. In the movie, the Z'Gok was featured as a temporary form to hide the Infinite Justice Gundam Nishiki piloted by Athrun Zala, which became a hot topic. The shape of the Gunpla's internal frame is modeled after the Infinite Justice Gundam Nishiki, and it is possible to selectively incorporate parts of the separately sold "HG 1/144 Infinite Justice Gundam Nishiki."
The internal structure "SEED Action System" allows for dynamic poses like those in the anime, such as the bellows bending of the arms and legs and the large movements of the abdomen. By replacing parts, the damaged state of the head armor can be reproduced. Red-hot claw parts are included and can be replaced with the normal claws.
3,520 yen. Released in February 2025.