Voice actors Tomoyo Kurosawa, Yuko Kaida, and Yukana appear at the stage greeting for "Mononoke: Karakasa"

A stage greeting for the completely new movie version of the popular TV anime "Mononoke" that was broadcast on Fuji TV's late-night anime slot "Noitamina" in 2007, "Mononoke the Movie: Karakasa," was held at Shibuya Humax Cinema (Shibuya Ward, Tokyo) on August 15th, with voice actors Tomoyo Kurosawa, Yuko Kaida, and Yukana making an appearance. The film is set in the Ooku, and the cast that plays the maids there, including Kurosawa, gathered together. Kurosawa, who plays Asa, a new maid who is trying to advance her career in the Ooku, candidly stated that the work environment in the Ooku as Asa is "the worst!", but was pleased to co-star with her, saying, "From the moment I read the script, I thought that the roles of those two were the most attractive and human characters in the story who carried the drama on their shoulders."

Kaida plays Awashima, a direct subordinate of the head of the company (general director), Utayama, and Yukana plays Mugiya, Asa's senior maid. Kaida said of the appeal of the film, "It's a work with colorful visual beauty that unfolds on washi paper, like a kaleidoscope." She expressed her joy, saying, "I've been a fan since the TV series, so I'm happy to be able to participate in this film version."

Yukana has been appearing in the series since "Bakeneko," directed by Nakamura Kenji, the predecessor to "Mononoke," and she reminisced, "It's a difficult work, in a good way, that you can't understand all of it after just one viewing. I remember that 'Bakeneko' was a work with a style that had never been seen before. I remember that back then, the cast and staff all worked together through trial and error to make it, like filling in the pieces of a puzzle."

Regarding Yukana's story, Kaida said, "That is true work creation, and I hope to see more works like that. Looking at the end credits of this film, I wonder what kind of communication took place among all these people to create the unique atmosphere of this work." Kaida said with a grin, referring to the contributors of the crowdfunding campaign, "There are a lot of people who love the medicine seller!" Kurosawa immediately added with a laugh, "There are also a lot of people who open their wallets!"

Kaida analyzed her role, saying, "Awashima is an everyday type of person. She has risen through the ranks in the customs of the Ooku, but is confused when a newcomer threatens to take her place. In a way, she is a character that the audience can easily sympathize with and see themselves in." Meanwhile, Yukana reflected on Mugiya, saying, "I have actually met someone like her, and at the time I was confused and sad, but I never thought I would be able to make use of that experience here... I thought it would be good to deepen my understanding of such people by playing Mugiya, so it was a good experience for me."

Kaida and Yukana were present for the dubbing session with Aoi Yuki, who played the role of Kame. Yukana said, "I thought that Yuki, like me, was the type who would give it her all in her acting, so I thought I could help her out a little with my care products. The story moves forward with her honest reactions, so I wanted to show her my support and encourage her to do her best." Kaida, who witnessed the scene, laughed as he recalled, "Yukana pulled out all kinds of care products from her fourth-dimensional pocket...!"

As a way to cool off, each person announced which scene they found scariest. Kurosawa said, "Drinking the water that has all sorts of things submerged in it is scary because it's such a stellar cast," Kaida said, "Kitagawa's doll is scary. The Japanese ghost story-like parts are creepy. The more you look at the screen, the stronger that feeling gets," and Yukana suddenly let out a frightening voice, cooling the audience down with a chill as she said, "Drinking that water = getting used to unreasonable things. Don't you feel that way in your everyday life too?"

The new movie will have three chapters, with the second chapter, "Mononoke The Movie Chapter 2: Fire Rat," scheduled for release on March 14, 2025. Kurosawa said, "If the setting of the story next time is also the Ooku, will Asa make an appearance again? As Asa was harsh to Saburomaru, she entrusted him with a letter in the end. How will Saburomaru act?! I myself am looking forward to it!"

Finally, Yukana expressed her wish, "As someone who has been involved since the beginning, I would be happy to continue being involved in the series," and Kaida said, "This series exists because of the fans, so let's work together to create the series going forward with the same feelings." Kurosawa expressed his hope for the series' success, saying, "It was good to be able to talk with the two seniors today and hear their passion directly. The longer a series has been running, the more emotion has accumulated, so I would be happy if it continues to spread to new viewers with that in mind."

"Mononoke the Movie: Karakasa" is the first new anime in about 17 years since the TV anime aired in 2007. Following the TV anime, Nakamura will be the director and EOTA will be producing. Set in the inner palace where women's passions swirl, a medicine seller pursues the true identity of the "Mononoke". The new movie will have three chapters, and the first chapter, "Mononoke the Movie: Karakasa", was released on July 26th.