Satomi Ishihara "almost cried" at the perfect recreation of the UDI lab from the TV drama "Unnatural"; looks back on the filming of the movie "The Last Mile"

Actor Satomi Ishihara appeared at the premiere event and stage greeting for the movie "The Last Mile" (directed by Ayuko Tsukahara, released on August 23rd) held in Tokyo on August 20th.

The film is directed by Director Tsukahara and written by Nogi Akiko, and is a non-stop suspense story set in a "shared universe" that intersects with the world lines of the dramas "Unnatural" (2018) and "MIU404" (2020).

Ishihara, who played Misumi Mikoto in "Unnatural," said she found out about the production of this film through an email from Ayano Go, who appeared in "MIU404." She recalled, "I got an email from Ayano saying, 'You played Mikoto!' I immediately asked my manager about it, and he gave me the script. I was so happy that I burst out laughing."

He said that filming the movie was "like a class reunion," and although it only took one day, "the UDI lab set was perfectly recreated down to the smallest detail, and I felt so much passion and enthusiasm that I almost cried."