Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Freedom: A silver ring replicating the one Athrun gave to Cagalli will be released

The "Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Freedom" ring, a collaboration between the apparel shop "STRICT-G" and jewelry brand "THE KISS", which is based on the popular anime "Gundam" series, will be released.

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The lineup includes "STRICT-G THE KISS "Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Freedom" Silver Ring Cagalli Yula Athha," a delicate silver reproduction of the ring that Athrun gave to Cagalli, "STRICT-G THE KISS "Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Freedom" Silver Ring Lacus Clyne," based on the ring worn by Lacus, and Orphee Lam Tao "STRICT-G THE KISS "Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Freedom" Silver Ring Orphee Lam Tao."

Each one is decorated with a stone that resembles a character, and the character's name is engraved on it. A postcard featuring a scene from the anime is included. The price is 13,200 yen each.

Reservations will be accepted from 1pm on August 1st on Bandai Namco Group's official shopping site, Premium Bandai. Shipment is scheduled for November.