Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Freedom: The much talked about Z'Gok Gunpla What's the gimmick? Kanata Hongo also curious

The Gundam Conference SUMMER 2024, a press conference for the popular anime series Gundam, was held online on June 26. Actor Kanata Hongo, Bandai Namco Filmworks producer Naohiro Ogata, and Bandai Spirits Hobby Division Deputy General Manager Hirotake Taguchi appeared and announced new information about the anime, Gunpla (plastic models), and more.

Introducing the Gunpla model "HG 1/144 Z'Gok (tentative)" of the Z'Gok from "Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Freedom", which was announced at the "62nd Shizuoka Hobby Show" in May and has been much talked about. In the work, the Z'Gok appeared as a temporary form to hide the Infinite Justice Gundam Nishiki piloted by Athrun Zala. At this point, details about the Gunpla are unknown, but many fans are hoping that there will be a gimmick where the Infinite Justice Gundam Nishiki appears from inside the Z'Gok.

Holding the Z'Gok Gundam model in his hands, Hongo said with great interest, "Ah, I see. I wonder what those horns that you can see are like? It'd be nice if there was a gimmick to it."

No details were revealed, but Taguchi said, "Details will be announced in the summer. Please look forward to it."