Detective Conan: One million dollar guidepost: Box office gross exceeds 15 billion yen, 73 days after release New illustration by Gosho Aoyama also released

It has been revealed that the box office revenue of the latest film in the popular anime series "Detective Conan," the 27th film in the series, "Detective Conan: One million dollar guidepost," has reached approximately 15.05 billion yen. The film was released on April 12th, and in just 73 days, it has surpassed the 15 billion yen mark. It has been a huge hit, with an audience of approximately 10.52 million people.

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To commemorate the box office revenue exceeding 15 billion yen, an original illustration by the original author Gosho Aoyama has been released. It depicts the film's main character, Kaito Kid smiling fearlessly and saying, "I'm grateful to have received the 15 billion yen."

"Detective Conan: One million dollar guidepost" was released on April 12th, and has surpassed the box office revenue of 13.88 billion yen recorded by the 26th film "Detective Conan: Black Iron Submarine" released in April last year, breaking the all-time record for the highest box office revenue in the "Detective Conan" movie series. This is the first time in the history of Japanese films that two consecutive films in the series have exceeded 10 billion yen in box office revenue.