Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Freedom: Strike Freedom Type II to be released by METAL ROBOT Spirits

A figure of the Strike Freedom Gundam Type II, which appears in the popular anime series Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Freedom, will be released as the METAL ROBOT Spirits <SIDE MS> Strike Freedom Gundam Type II from Bandai Spirits' METAL ROBOT Spirits series. The price is 19,800 yen.

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The unique coloring of the unit is reproduced through painting. Original markings are applied to the entire body to express the density of the weapon. A new railgun weapon is included. Joint parts are included that allow the railgun to be suspended from the side of the waist, allowing you to recreate the railgun carrying state from the movie. By combining it with the separately sold "METAL ROBOT Spirits <SIDE MS> Proud Defender & Effect Parts Set", you can recreate the Mighty Strike Freedom Gundam.

It also comes with a Dragoon, high energy beam rifle, beam shield effect parts, beam saber, etc. Total height is about 14cm.

Reservations will be accepted from 6:00 pm on June 14th on Bandai Namco Group's official shopping site, Premium Bandai. Shipment is scheduled for February 2025.