Detective Conan: "Detective Conan Land" to open at Daiba from July

The "Detective Conan Land" event for the anime "Detective Conan," based on the popular manga by Gosho Aoyama, will be held at the special venue on the fourth floor of DiverCity Tokyo Plaza (Koto Ward, Tokyo) from July 5th to January 13th, 2025. Participants can enjoy a variety of events, including the "TV Anime Detective Conan Memorial Can Badge Gacha" (550 yen per turn), where you can win a memorial can badge (40 types in total) designed with famous scenes from the anime's opening and ending, and the "Detective Conan Official App Oshi-Chara Lottery" (2,200 yen per turn), where you can win an "Oshi-Chara Frame Stand" (9 types in total).

 See details and more images on MANTANWEB

There will also be games such as "Detective Conan Puzzle Ball Drop Challenge" (1,100 yen per play) and "Detective Conan Land Original UFO Catcher" (500 yen for 3 plays), a print sticker machine "Detective Conan Land Original Purikura" (500 yen per play) where you can take photos with characters such as Edogawa Conan, and photo spots featuring original illustrations. At the venue, a special movie using famous scenes from the TV anime will be screened. There are 3 types of special movies, which will change depending on the day of the week.

Original event goods such as acrylic stands (1,650 yen) and badge sets (3,080 yen) featuring newly drawn illustrations will also be on sale. If you spend 5,500 yen at the venue, you can participate in the "Detective Conan Land Lottery," a no-lose lottery where you can win goods.