Gundam: Regular screening of past anime films to be held in Fukuoka First screening will be "F91" Moriguchi Hiroko to appear

To commemorate the 45th anniversary of the popular anime series "Gundam," it has been announced that "Gundam Theater in Fukuoka" will be held in Fukuoka, where a life-sized Nu Gundam statue has been erected, and will feature regular screenings of all the anime films.

 See details and more images on MANTANWEB

The first screening will be the complete 4K version of "Mobile Suit Gundam F91" at TOHO Cinemas LaLaport Fukuoka (Hakata-ku, Fukuoka City) on June 30th.

 主題歌「ETERNAL WIND ~ほほえみは光る風の中~」を歌った森口博子さんが舞台あいさつに登壇する。