Keiji: Original art exhibition to be held at Gallery Zenon Featuring 200 fascinating original drawings of Maeda Keiji and other Sengoku warlords

It has been announced that an exhibition of original drawings from the manga "Keiji- Beyond the Clouds," which depicts the exploits of the "kabuki" warlord Maeda Keiji who lived a glamorous life in the Sengoku period, titled "Keiji Original Drawings Exhibition - Men, Swords, and a Kabuki Journey," will be held at Coremix's manga-themed art gallery GALLERY ZENON (Musashino City, Tokyo) from July 5. Approximately 200 original drawings by Tetsuo Hara, who created the manga, depicting Maeda Keiji and other Sengoku warlords will be on display.

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The original art exhibition will be held from July 5th to 28th in the first half, and from August 1st to 25th in the second half. There will also be a collaboration cafe and a goods shop. Details such as the contents of the exhibition will be announced on the official website and official SNS in the future.

"Keiji" is a popular manga based on the historical novel "Ichi-Mu-An Furyuki" by Keiichiro Ryu, with Hara as the manga artist and Mio Aso as the scriptwriter. The manga gained popularity by depicting the lives of unique individuals living in the turbulent Warring States period, when many warlords competed for power, with "the greatest kabuki actor in the world" Maeda Keiji at the center. A one-shot story was published in "Weekly Shonen Jump" (Shueisha) in 1989, and the series began in 1990. Arrangements and original episodes were added to suit the needs of boys' magazines, and the series continued until 1993.