Gundam: "Gundam Yamakasa" to appear at Fukuoka's Hakata Gion Yamakasa Themed on "Char's Counterattack"

To commemorate the 45th anniversary of the popular anime series "Gundam," it has been announced that a special project will be held in Fukuoka, where a life-sized ν Gundam statue has been installed. Gundam will make its first appearance at Hakata Gion Yamakasa, one of Japan's three major Gion festivals. A "Gundam Yamakasa" inspired by "Mobile Suit Gundam: Char's Counterattack" will be made to see off the Hachiban Yamakasa, affectionately known as the "Running Decorative Yamakasa," at Kamikawabata-dori (Hakata-ku, Fukuoka City).

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The "Gundam Yamakasa" will be displayed at Kamikawabata Shopping Arcade from July 1st to 15th. It will run through the streets of Hakata with the "Oi Yamakasa Narashi" on the 12th and the "Oi Yamakasa" on the 15th. After the Yamakasa has finished, it will be exhibited at Kawabata Zenzai Square. There are also plans for a collaboration with Kawabata Shopping Arcade, which is celebrating the 60th anniversary of the appearance of the "Running Decorated Yamakasa."

The "Summer Gundam 45th Anniversary Festival Lucky Draw" will be held at Mitsui Shopping Park LaLaport Fukuoka (same address), where a life-sized ν Gundam statue is installed, where luxurious prizes can be won.