Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Freedom: Popular METAL ROBOT Spirits Rising Freedom Gundam to be re-released in November

It has been announced that the "METAL ROBOT Spirits <SIDE MS> Rising Freedom Gundam" (Bandai Spirits), a figure of the Rising Freedom Gundam that appears in "Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Freedom" of the popular anime series "Mobile Suit Gundam SEED," will be re-released in November. This popular item was released in January and is priced at 19,800 yen.

 See details and more images on MANTANWEB

Die-cast parts are used for each joint. The die-cast parts are plated to create a luxurious look. The railgun on the waist has a slide deployment gimmick, and by deploying all weapons and wings, the Hi-MAT full burst can be reproduced. It also has a gimmick that allows it to transform into MA form.

Total height approximately 14 cm.