Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Additional Warrior is "Bun Violet" played by Yu Miyazawa Natsuki Hanae voiced by his partner

It has been revealed that Bun Violet/ Sakito Homura, played by actor Yu Miyazawa, will appear as an additional warrior in the Super Sentai series "Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger" (TV Asahi, Sunday 9:30 am). In addition, Byun Diesel (Byundy), a mechanical lifeform alien partner, will also appear. Byundy's voice will be provided by voice actor Natsuki Hanae. Byundy will appear in the 16th episode on June 16th.

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Ponto, played by Miyazawa, is a "cleaner" who travels across the universe. He is a troubleshooter who tries to solve all kinds of troubles, from lifeline failures to political disputes and children's fights, but he also has a fun side to him, calling the complicated state of trouble "chaos."

Sakito is originally from Earth, but after going through many battles with his partner Byun Diesel, he has returned to Earth for the first time in over 10 years. Sakito uses the "Boonboom Controller" to transform into Bun Violet, but he is somehow different from Taiya and the other "Boonboomger."

Miyazawa, who has auditioned for special effects productions more than 10 times, commented, "As this is the last year of my 20s, I thought this might be my last chance, so I was incredibly excited when I was selected to appear. I think that Sakito is a clumsy person who has a great darkness in his heart and has lived his life desperately trying to wipe it away. Because of this, he has a distorted character development, and pursues fun and excitement, is overconfident and condescending, is a bit foul-mouthed, and says what he thinks straight away, making him a little different from normal people. But even so, he is a character that is a little lovable."

Hanae confessed that when he found out he would be appearing in the show, he showed his two daughters "Boonboomger" and they became obsessed with it. "I never thought I would be able to take part in the Super Sentai series, which I looked forward to watching every week since I was a child. I'd like to tell that to the young Hanae of that time," he commented.

"This time, I'm in charge of the voice of not only Byundy but also the transformation item. It's quite moving to think that children will be able to play with a toy that has my voice in it. I hope you will look forward to Byundy, who is calm and gently supports Sakito, yet is also playful, and to 'Boonboomger'!" he said.