Kaiju No. 8: Episode 7 "Kaiju No. 9" Iharu is fatally wounded Reno bravely stands up, but is cornered...

The seventh episode of the anime "Kaiju No. 8," based on the popular manga by Naoya Matsumoto, titled "Kaiju No. 9," will be broadcast on TV Tokyo and other channels at 11:00 pm on May 25th.

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A mysterious humanoid monster suddenly appears and mercilessly attacks Reno and Iharu. Reno bravely stands up to the monster while shielding the mortally wounded Iharu. Reno barely hangs on, relying on information from Kikoru, who had faced the same monster during the selection test, but is gradually cornered.

"Kaiju No. 8" has been serialized in "Shonen Jump+" since July 2020. Set in Japan, a monster superpower where monsters mercilessly invade everyday life, the story follows the adventures of the protagonist, Kafka Hibino whose body has been transformed into a monster by a mysterious creature. It also won the top prize in the web manga category of the "Next Manga Awards 2021" in 2021. The anime will be produced by Production IG, which has worked on the "Ghost in the Shell" series, and Studio Khara, which has worked on the "Evangelion: 3.0+1.0 Thrice Upon a Time" series, will be in charge of "monster design and works."