Detective Conan: Conan, Heiji, and the Police Academy Group Co-Star with Monet & Van Gogh Masterpieces - London National Gallery Collaboration Items Unveiled

The popular manga "Detective Conan" by Gosho Aoyama, celebrating its 30th anniversary this year, has collaborated with the London National Gallery, which is marking its 200th anniversary, to release merchandise such as clear files on May 22.

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The lineup includes clear files (13 types, 550 yen each) featuring visuals of characters like Conan Edogawa co-starring with famous paintings by Claude Monet and Vincent van Gogh. The clear files include designs such as Heiji Hattori & Kazuha Toyama with Monet's "La Grenouillère," Conan & Heiji with Monet's "Snow at Argenteuil," and Conan & the Police Academy Group with Akseli Gallen-Kallela's "Lake Keitele."

Other items available for purchase include tote bags (13 types, 3520 yen each), T-shirts (13 types, 5500 yen each), acrylic stands (13 types, 2200 yen each), and postcard sets (2970 yen).

These products are sold on Shogakukan's official online store "Sunday Premium SHOP." Additionally, limited-time pop-up shops will open sequentially from June 1 in six cities, including Hachimonjiya Bookstore Sendai SELVA (Sendai, Izumi Ward) and Kinokuniya Shinjuku Main Store (Shinjuku, Tokyo).
