Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Freedom: Akira Ishida as "Athrun" and Jun Fukuyama as "Albert Heinlein" will appear for the finale stage greeting

Akira Ishida, who plays Athrun Zala, and Jun Fukuyama, who plays Albert Heinlein, will take the stage at the finale stage greeting of the completely new theatrical version of the popular anime series "Mobile Suit Gundam SEED" (Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Freedom) and the stage greeting commemorating the birth of Kira & Cagalli.

It was announced that the event will be held on May 18 at Marunouchi Piccadilly (Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo), with voice actors Soichiro Hoshi, Rie Tanaka, Kenichi Suzumura, Hiro Shimono, and director Mitsuo Fukuda taking the stage. Live viewing will also be held at theaters nationwide. A special message card with a message from Director Fukuda will be distributed as a limited admission present, including at live viewing venues.

The Mobile Suit Gundam SEED series aired from October 2002 to September 2003, while its sequel, Mobile Suit Gundam SEED DESTINY, aired from October 2004 to October 2005. SEED FREEDOM is a sequel to SEED DESTINY, and it reunites the staff of the TV anime, including director Mitsuo Fukuda.

The film version was announced in 2006, but there was no news about it for a long time. After about 18 years since the announcement, it was released on January 26th and became a hit, earning over 4.64 billion yen at the box office. The film will finish screening nationwide on May 23rd, its 17th week since release, except for some theaters.