Medaka Kuroiwa Is Impervious to My Charms: "Magazine" romantic comedy manga becomes TV anime:  Popular girl x Celibate boy

It has been announced that the romantic comedy manga "Medaka Kuroiwa Is Impervious to My Charms" by Ran Kuze, which is currently being serialized in "Weekly Shonen Magazine" (Kodansha), will be adapted into a TV anime. A teaser visual and a promotional video have also been released, depicting the heroine Mona Kawai and Medaka Kuroiwa, who Mona is trying to seduce.

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The story was first published as a one-shot in Weekly Shonen Magazine in December 2020, and following a favorable reception, began serialization in the magazine in May 2021. It is a romantic comedy about Mona Kawai, a beautiful, stylish and popular girl, and Medaka Kuroiwa, a transfer student and celibate boy. The story follows Mona's struggle to win over Medaka, who pays no attention to her. Thirteen volumes of the comic have been released, with a total circulation of over 1.4 million copies. The latest volume, 14, will be released on May 16th.

The anime will be directed by Yoshiaki Okumura, with series composition and scriptwriting by Kazuyuki Fudeyasu, character design by Mayumi Watanabe, and produced by SynergySP.