Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Freedom: Shiranui-equipped Akatsuki figure to be released by METAL ROBOT Tamashii Shining in gold!  New markings

The figure of Akatsuki equipped with Shiranui that appears in the animated movie "Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Freedom" will be released as "METAL ROBOT Spirit <SIDE MS> Akatsuki (equipped with Shiranui) SEED FREEDOM Ver." from Bandai Spirits' "METAL ROBOT Spirits" series. The price is 24,200 yen.

 See details and more images on MANTANWEB

The markings of "METAL ROBOT Spirits <SIDE MS> Akatsuki (Shiranui equipment)" have been redesigned, and a compass mark is designed on the right shoulder. It is plated with shining gold and is equipped with Shiranui, Hyakurai (rifle), beam saber, mantlet (shield), etc. The pedestal and pillar have been updated to the latest format of the "METAL ROBOT Spirits" series. Total height approximately 14 cm.

Reservations will be accepted from 4pm on March 29th at Bandai Namco Group's official shopping site ``Premium Bandai''. Scheduled to ship in September.