Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Freedom: Box office revenue of 2.68 billion yen, highest record for the "Gundam" series 1.63 million people mobilized

It has been revealed that "Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Freedom," the completely new theatrical version of the popular anime "Mobile Suit Gundam SEED" series, has exceeded 2.68 billion yen in box office revenue in 18 days since its release on January 26th. The film has become a big hit, with attendance exceeding 1.63 million people. The box office revenue exceeded the record of approximately 2.3 billion yen set by "Mobile Suit Gundam III: Encounter in Space" from 1982, breaking the record for the highest box office revenue for a Gundam series movie for the first time in about 42 years.

The film had a box office revenue of over 1.06 billion yen within three days of its release on January 26th, making it the best-ever rocket start for a Gundam series movie. It became the fastest movie released in 2024 to reach 1 million viewers.

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