Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Freedom: MS behind-the-scenes story from director Mitsuo Fukuda Reason for the appearance of Gelgoog, Gyan, and Z'Gok Thoughts on “Dragonar”

"Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Freedom", a completely new work in the popular anime series "Mobile Suit Gundam SEED", was released on January 26th. New MS (mobile suits) such as Rising Freedom Gundam and Immortal Justice Gundam appear in "SEED FREEDOM". New aircraft with motifs of nostalgic MS such as Gelgoog Menace, GYAN Strom, and Z'Gok are also becoming a hot topic. We asked director Mitsuo Fukuda about the story behind the MS in SEED FREEDOM.

*Full text is available on MANTANWEB here.

Main content of the text

◇Gyan was originally Yzak's machine

◇What is SEED-like?

◇ Commitment to battleships

◇Strong feelings towards “Dragonar”

Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Freedom special feature