Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Freedom: "CHOGOKIN MIGHTY STRIKE FREEDOM GUNDAM" to be released Kira's new aircraft Equipped with a light-emitting gimmick

The Mighty Strike Freedom Gundam toy "CHOGOKIN MIGHTY STRIKE FREEDOM GUNDAM" that appears in the movie "Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Freedom", which is a completely new version of the popular anime "Mobile Suit Gundam SEED" series, will be released. It is released from Bandai Spirits' "CHOGOKIN" series and costs 36,300 yen.

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Kira's new aircraft is three-dimensional. The distinctive golden joints and the new Proud Defender are plated in gold. The weapon's futsunomitama is plated with a solid color to create a sparkling appearance. The head main camera and sub camera emit light by the light emitting unit.

If you replace it with an open replacement antenna part, you can create a light-emitting state that resembles beam irradiation on your forehead. Total height approximately 18.8 cm.

Reservations will be accepted from 4pm on January 30th on Bandai Namco Group's official shopping site ``Premium Bandai''. Scheduled to ship in July.