Soaring Sky! Pretty Cure: Final episode "Soaring To Infinity! Our World!" Believe in infinite power Stand up against Daijarg!

The final episode (episode 50) of the 20th installment of the popular anime "PreCure" (ABC TV/TV Asahi) series "Soaring Sky! Pretty Cure" "Soaring To Infinity! Our World!" will be broadcast on January 28th at 8:30am.

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As Cure Sky and others try to rescue Kaizerin and return to Skyland, a large snake, Daijarg, appears from the sea of Underg Energy. As Cure Sky and the others attack one after another, the illusion of Skearhead tells Kaizerin, "I need you," but when Kaizerin refuses, Daijarg flees into the portal.

Daijarg appeared in the sky above Solashid City, and Cure Sky and others tried to follow him using the portals opened by Kabaton, Battamonder, and Minoton who rushed from Skyland. Although their transformation is broken just before they enter the portal, Sora believes in their infinite power. Sora and others arrive at Sorashid City, transform once again, and confront Daijarg.