Akira Ishida: Thoughts on “Gundam SEED” universal appeal 20 years of change

"Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Freedom", a completely new work in the popular anime "Mobile Suit Gundam SEED" series, was released on January 26th. Production of the movie version of ``SEED FREEDOM'' was announced in 2006, but there was no follow-up news for a long time. About 18 years after its announcement, it has finally been released to the public. We asked Akira Ishida, the voice actor of the popular character Athrun Zala, about his thoughts on the series.

*Full text is available on MANTANWEB here.

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◇A feeling of ease as if you had eaten from the same pot as your co-stars.

◇The signs that said “SEED” and Athrun were big.

Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Freedom special feature