Featured Drama Introduction: "Eye Love You" Fumi Nikaido plays the main character who has telepathic abilities Depicts a love story with Chae Jong-hyeop

The drama series "Eye Love You" (TBS, Tuesdays at 10pm) starring actor Fumi Nikaido will begin on January 23rd. The drama depicts the love story between the main character, played by Nikaido, who is a telepathic person who can hear people's inner voices, and a younger Korean man, played by popular Korean actor Chae Jong-hyeop.

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The script is an original by Kisa Miura and Subaru Yamashita. The drama depicts the love story between Yuri Motomiya (played by Nikaido), a telepath who can hear voices of the heart, and Tae-oh (played by Jong-hyeop), a younger Korean student.

Nakagawa Taishi will play Taishi Nakagawa Akito, who opens the chocolate shop "Dolce & Chocolat." with Yuri, and Yamashita Mizuki from the idol group "Nogizaka46" will play chocolatier Ikemoto Mahiro.

Introducing the synopsis of episode 1. Yuri Motomiya (Nikaido), the young president of the chocolate shop "Dolce & Chocolat.", which is gaining popularity with its eco-friendly, fashionable and cute products. Yuri meets Akito Hanaoka (Nakagawa), the managing director, who shares her thoughts on environmental issues during her university days , a skilled chocolatier, Mahiro Ikemoto (Yamashita), and other trusted staff members spend busy, fun and fulfilling days together.

However, Yuri has a secret that she cannot tell anyone. Since her past accident, she has given up on love and lived her life by becoming a telepath who can read the minds of those she looks into.

Yuri's daily pleasure is ordering delicious meals delivered to her. Her favorite food is Korean food, and she meets Yoon Tae-oh (Jong-hyeop), a delivery boy. Yuri suddenly meets his eyes and hears his inner voice, but it's in Korean. Although Yuri can understand Tae-oh's Japanese, she cannot understand his inner voice. Yuri meets such a person for the first time.