Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Freedom: Large advertisement “SEED FREEDOM goes!” appears at stations in Tokyo, Nagoya, Osaka, and Fukuoka

It has been revealed that the large advertisement “SEED FREEDOM goes!” for the animated movie "Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Freedom" will appear at stations across the country, including Tokyo, Nagoya, Osaka, and Fukuoka. Illustrations of popular characters, lines from famous scenes from the drama, and mechanical visuals are designed. You can enjoy interlocking videos in which the characters take off all at once with each character's start call, including "Freedom Goes!".

Tokyo, Shinjuku Station Metro Promenade from January 22nd to 28th, Aichi/JR Nagoya Station Central Concourse Pillar, Shinkansen Concourse Taiko Dori Exit, January 22nd to 28th, Osaka, Osaka Station Underpass East-West Passage, Osaka Station Underground Underpass It will be held from January 22nd to 28th at TENJIN TREE VISION in Fukuoka/Fukuoka (Tenjin) Station from January 17th to 30th.