Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Freedom: “Fall into Darkness, Kira Yamato” Post-recording video of Win Morisaki, who plays the role of Griffin, released

A post-recording video of Win Morisaki, who appears as a voice actor in the animated movie "Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Freedom", has been released on YouTube. Mr. Morisaki, who plays Griffin Arbalest, a member of the Black Knight Squad, the Queen's personal guard of the Foundation, which became independent from the Eurasian Federation, performed lines such as ``Fall into darkness, Kira Yamato.''

Morisaki played Daito/Toshiro, a young Japanese man, in Steven Spielberg's 2018 American movie "Ready Player One," and his famous Japanese line, "I'm going with the Gundam!" became a hot topic. became. This is the first time he has acted as a voice actor for the Gundam series, and he is delighted, saying, ``I'm happy to hear that I'll be able to participate in the work of ``Mobile Suit Gundam SEED,'' and I feel really grateful.''

During the recording, he said, ``Even though I thought I was adding my voice, when I listened to it through the speakers, it sounded completely different.''

`` Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Freedom'' is the sequel to ``Mobile Suit Gundam SEED DESTINY'', and will reunite the TV animation staff including director Mitsuo Fukuda.  It will be released on January 26, 2024.