Kamen Rider Gotchard: New development & new rider! New visual depicting Valvarad and Gotchard Daybreak

A new visual for the special effects drama "Kamen Rider Gotchard" has been released. Contains images of new riders. The "Fire Gotchard," which is a manifestation of Hotaro Ichinose's (Junsei Motojima) passionate determination, Kamen Rider Majade, transformed by Rinne Kudo (Reiyo Matsumoto), and Kamen Rider Valvarad, transformed by Supana Kurogane (Yasunari Fujibayashi) are depicted. 

 See details and more images on MANTANWEB

In addition, as if watching over the three Kamen Riders,"Gotchard Daybreak" who suddenly appeared in episode 16 (broadcast on December 24th) and Kamen Rider Legend who appeared in the extra edition are also depicted. 

It is said that the story will take a new turn starting with the 17th episode, which will be broadcast on January 7th, and the opening will also be renewed.