Detective Conan: “Detective Conan vs. Kaito Kid” to be released on January 5, 2024 Re-edited legendary TV anime episode

A special edition of the TV series that re-edited episodes featuring Conan Edogawa and Kaito Kid from the popular TV anime "Detective Conan" will be released in theaters on January 5, 2024 as "Detective Conan vs. Kaito Kid" .

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A special edited version will be released ahead of the latest movie "Detective Conan: One million dollar guidepost" (directed by Tomoka Nagaoka, to be released on April 12, 2024) in which Kaito Kid appears as a key person. Key visuals depicting Conan and Kaito Kid were also released.

The special edition re-edits "legendary episodes" of TV series such as "Conan vs. Kaito Kid." At the beginning of the main story, episode 76, where Conan and Kid confront each other for the first time, is depicted in new footage.

It was also announced that the band "WANDS" will be in charge of the theme song "Daitan". It will be a newly written song with the theme of Kaito Kid.