Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Freedom: Win Morisaki plays Griffin

It has been announced that actor Win Morisaki will appear as a voice actor in "Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Freedom," a completely new work in the popular anime "Mobile Suit Gundam SEED" series. Morisaki will play Griffin Arbalest, a member of the Black Knight Squad, the Queen's Guard of the Foundation, which has become independent from the Eurasian Federation. Morisaki played Daito/Toshiro, a young Japanese man, in Steven Spielberg's 2018 American movie "Ready Player One," and his famous Japanese line, "I'm going with the Gundam!" became a hot topic.

 MANTANWEB has an interview with Mr. Morisaki

"Mobile Suit Gundam SEED" was broadcast from October 2002 to September 2003, and is also called the "First Gundam of the 21st Century." The new work `` Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Freedom'' is a sequel to ``Mobile Suit Gundam SEED DESTINY'' that aired from October 2004 to October 2005, and is set in CE (Cosmic Era) 75. There is also talk of the TV anime staff reuniting, including director Mitsuo Fukuda. It will be released on January 26, 2024.

Morisaki will be the voice actor for Griffin Arbalest, a new character in Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Freedom. A member of the Black Knight Squad, the Queen's personal guard of the Emerging Nation Foundation, Griffin appears to have a reckless personality, but is highly capable.