Detective Conan: Transforming into an unknown criminal!? “Criminal transformation T-shirt” to be released

A T-shirt with the image of a criminal appearing in Gosho Aoyama's popular manga "Detective Conan", "Criminal Transformation T-shirt" (Cospa), will be released in mid-February 2024.

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A T-shirt with the image of a "person dressed in black" depicting a silhouette of an unknown person who is the culprit in "Detective Conan". It features the face of a grinning criminal, and if you turn the hem inside out and put it over your head, you can transform.

A ``Great Detective T-shirt'' and ``The Truth is Always One Message T-shirt Ver. 2.0'' featuring the silhouette of Conan Edogawa will also be on sale. The price is 3300 yen.

Reservations are being accepted at Cospa Official Shop and other locations.