Detective Conan: One million dollar guidepost: Box office revenue exceeds 13.5 billion yen, 9.43 million people attend Approaching the record of the highest-grossing film in the series, "Black Iron Submarine"

The latest film in the popular anime series "Detective Conan"...

View Detective Conan: One million dollar guidepost: Box office revenue exceeds 13.5 billion yen, 9.43 million people attend, approaching the record of the highest-grossing film in the series, "The Black Iron Fish Shadow"

Detective Conan: One million dollar guidepost: Collaboration movie with theme song "So Shi So Ai" sung by Aiko released Heiji decides to confess his feelings to Kazuha Shinichi and Ran

The latest theatrical version of the popular anime "Detective Conan", "Detective...

View Detective Conan: One million dollar guidepost: Collaboration movie with theme song "Ai Shi So Ai" sung by Aiko released Heiji decides to confess his feelings to Kazuha, Shinichi and Ran also