Shinkalion: Change the World: Shinkalion takes flight! E8 Tsubasa drone form appears Driver is a high school student

It has been revealed that a new Shinkalion, Shinkalion E8 Tsubasa, will appear in the new TV anime "Shinkalion: Change the World" of the popular anime series "Shinkalion". Shinkalion E8 Tsubasa can combine with the Elda Drone of the Elda Vehicle to become the E8 Tsubasa Drone Form and fly. It can also hover in the air by utilizing the drone's characteristics. A new character, high school student driver Gamma Mogami, will drive Shinkalion E8 Tsubasa. It was also announced that voice actor Fumitake Ishiguro will play Gamma.

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The Shinkalion E8 Tsubasa driven by Gamma is a Shinkalion that is a transformation of the Yamagata Shinkansen E8 Series Tsubasa. It combines with the Elda Drone, a model of a drone currently being developed for track equipment inspection. It is skilled in precision shooting with its Hornet rifle, and will not let its targeted prey escape.

Ishiguro, who plays Gamma, commented, "I'm really happy to be able to participate in 'Shinkalion' as a creator! I think this work, 'Change the World,' is a story that teaches us the importance of facing ourselves and changing for the sake of others. I'm working hard on the recordings just like Gamma so that everyone can enjoy it, so please support 'Shinkalion: Change the World'!"

It was also announced that the Shinkalion E8 Tsubasa Drone Form toy, "Shinkalion CW E8 Tsubasa Drone Form", will be released in mid-July for 6,930 yen.

"Shinkalion: Change the World" depicts the protagonist Taisei Onari and other junior high school drivers piloting the Shinkalion, developed by the Super Evolution Railway Development Organization (ERDA), to face off against the unknown enemy, the Unknown, that appears all over Japan. The Shinkalion that Taisei Onari and others ride combines with an armed and reinforced vehicle based on real-life work vehicles. This is the first time in the series that the Shinkalion combines with a vehicle.

It is broadcast every Sunday at 8:30 am on TV Tokyo.