The Fuji TV variety show "Odo Odo x Hara Hara," hosted by the comedy duo "Audrey" and "Haraichi," will feature the famous company president's "approximately 3 billion yen mansion" for the first time on television in the program that will air from 9:00 pm on August 29th.
The mansion is the home of Seiji Nishimura, president of Xcom Global, which runs the "Nitan Clinic," known for its catchy commercial that repeatedly calls out "Nitan." It was completed in August this year in a "top-notch location" in Shibuya Ward, Tokyo. There are two trees planted in front of the house, each worth 70 million yen, and a fully custom-made Rolls Royce worth 80 million yen is also on display.
Furthermore, once you enter the house, you'll find it's so luxurious you'd never think it was your own home, with an interior reminiscent of a high-end club, a huge wine cellar, and a waterfall in the courtyard. The rooftop infinity pool, which offers a panoramic view of the Shibuya cityscape, also has a gold slide built at a cost of 40 million yen...
The program will feature guests such as "Onikoshi Tomahawk", "Sarugorilla", "Trendy Angel", and Kana Murakami. A "Celebrity Home Crossing Ultra Quiz" will be held, asking questions related to President Nishimura.