It has been revealed that the latest film in the popular anime series "Crayon Shin-chan," the 31st film in the series, "Crayon Shin-chan Shin-chan: Our Dinosaur Diary," has grossed over 630 million yen in the four days since its release on August 9. The number of moviegoers has exceeded 510,000. This is about 130% of the number of viewers in the first four days of the release of "Crayon Shin-chan Shin-chan: The Movie: Supernatural Battle - Tobetobe Temaki Sushi," which was released in August 2023 and was the biggest hit in the series' history, and it is in sight of breaking that record.
The film depicts the friendship between the Nohara family's pet dog Shiro and a "small dinosaur," as well as the growth of the Kasukabe Defense Force and its members over the summer. A dinosaur that was supposed to be extinct in Kasukabe, Tokyo, where the Nohara family lives, is resurrected and wreaks havoc.