It has been revealed that the latest movie version of the anime series "My Hero Academia", "My Hero Academia: You're Next" (directed by Tensai Okamura), based on the manga by Horikoshi Kohei Horikoshi serialized in "Weekly Shonen Jump" (Shueisha), has made over 1.77 billion yen in box office revenue in the 11 days since its release on August 2nd. The number of moviegoers has exceeded 1.22 million.
It was also learned that as the second admission present, reproduction miniature color paper drawn by the original author, Horikoshi-san, will be distributed from August 17. The miniatures will depict the main character Izuku Midoriya dressed as a butler, his classmates Katsuki Bakugo and Shoto Todoroki, and Julio, an original character in the film version.